My Blog

  • How to Choose the Best Mouthwash
    As we all know, or should by now, the key to maintaining great oral health is keeping up with a daily plan of flossing, brushing, and using mouthwash. These three Read more
  • The Purpose of a Dental Crown
    A dental crown, otherwise known as a cap, covers an infected tooth and can vary in function, depending on the position of the tooth. Crowns cover all the visible parts Read more
  • Avoid the Emergency Room for Dental Problems
    There are certainly situations when going to an emergency room is the best response for your problem. A severe injury to your mouth, jaw, or face would qualify. However, when it Read more
  • Hot Day? Three Drinks to Leave Home When You’re Packing the Cooler
    Whew! It’s a hot one! And whenever the temperature soars, you need to stay hydrated, especially when you’re outside or exercising. But all cold drinks aren’t equal when it comes Read more
  • What is an Impacted Tooth?
    You may have heard this term the first time you or a friend got your wisdom teeth. That makes sense, as wisdom teeth are the teeth most often impacted in Read more
  • Dental Infections
    the doctor and our team at Venus Dental will tell you that dental infections can be very serious; sometimes, they develop into a life-threatening situation. Cavities are caused by acid-generating Read more
  • Aging and Dental Health
    As you grow older, your mind may be preoccupied with the health of your bones, heart, or brain. However, our team at Venus Dental will tell you that keeping your Read more
  • Don’t let a dental emergency ruin your summer vacation!
    For many of our patients at Venus Dental, summer means a season of relaxation, vacation, and outdoor fun and activities. While you can’t take a vacation from dental emergencies, you Read more
  • Happy Fourth of July
    Every year, Americans all over the world celebrate the birth of the country and its independence on the Fourth of July. There are countless ways that people celebrate and they Read more
  • Is Coffee Damaging Your Smile?
    Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Many people have a cup, or two, or even three a day. It’s common to drink it in the Read more
  • Tooth Discoloration: Common causes and what you can do to stop it
    Looking back at childhood photos, you may notice picture after picture of yourself with a mouthful of shiny white teeth. When you look in the mirror today, you wonder what Read more

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